Some produce ingredients or supply to restaurants, but most are creating artisan delicacies that are waiting for you to discover them.
Or would you like to pick up a nice bit of fish for your tea?
Many of our producers have their own shops or cafes, or even offer tours – so pop in soon!
It offers beautiful countryside, miles of golden sandy beaches, attractive and historic towns and villages – and some of Scotland’s best farmland.
Each one either stocks or makes good use of our members’ products.
They include some of our county’s most popular and exciting food destinations.
Orders now taken for festive food including turkey, duck and goose
Extra-special calendars filled with artisanal handcrafted chocolates
East Lothian Food & Drink Ltd
Queen Margaret University
Musselburgh EH21 6UU
East Lothian Food & Drink Ltd is a not-for-profit company registered in Scotland (SC545037)
It is also a business improvement district (BID). For more information, see About us